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Autism explained

Any use or reproduction of the explanations on this page (which dates from February 2018)
must mention the source, with a link to Autistan.org/autisme

Autism explained according to the Autistan Diplomatic Organization

You want to understand autism, but everything you have read or heard so far seems unclear to you, contradictory, and unsatisfactory.

We believe that most people who read our explanations of autism on this page will feel that they finally truly understand the essential principles of autism., and to know better “how to think” to have realistic and clear ideas about autism, what is essential to better know what to do with autistic people.

*E0* Prior and necessary reflections

  • Almost all attempts to “explain autism” are wrong, because they do not understand the deeper nature of autism.
  • This is due to the fact that these attempts are based on a “non-autistic reference” which is perceived as “just” et “valid”.
  • The best way to understand and explain autism, is to use an autistic way of thinking, without being influenced by non-autistic theories and formatting.
  • Non-autistic people already perceive the absurd and dangerous nature of the current global social system, but they cannot “get out of their boxes”, of their conventions and habits of thought, and they are prisoners of an illusion stronger than themselves.
    They sometimes perceive its illusory nature, but they can't do anything about it, because they are drawn into a sort of social whirlwind, and of “obligatory thoughts” (such as for example the idea that it is “OBLIGATORY” to communicate and be well adapted socially, and otherwise, we definitely have a psychological problem, which is an absurd idea, when you think about it for a few moments).
  • Sensation “officially valid general error” generates discomfort and “social psychosis” general, which leads to fear of everything, The fear of the Unknown, automatic rejection of people “different”, the retreat into individualism, selfishness, materialism, comfort, the enjoyment of material pleasures and illusions, which leads to productivity requirements, profitability, and standards of “security” increasingly higher, which guide public policies, in a way that disadvantages natural minorities (like autistic people), and that, Ultimately, makes their lives more and more impossible.
  • If we think in one way “autistic”, honestly, without taking into account beliefs and conventions “social”, we quickly understand that the non-autistic social system and the “socially acceptable ways of thinking” are erroneous and in conflict with the natural laws of life.
  • We also understand that autistic characteristics and qualities are entirely valid and interesting, but that they are in conflict with the social system, which is itself in conflict with Nature and with “what should be done”.
  • And, and only if, we begin by assuming that the modes of thinking and functioning “normal”, “socially acceptable”, are very questionable, and often very problematic, SO, only, we can start to be in a state of mind “compatible” with autism, and we can begin to understand.
  • For that, we must forget all preconceived ideas, we have to get out of “social formatting” (which is particularly easy for an autistic person).
  • If you agree to try thinking this way, so “logical and honest”, and to recognize the faults and absurdities of “non-autistic system”, then you will read with interest our general explanations on autism, in the following points.
  • This page of explanations of autism by autistic people, “to the source”, is an example of concrete realization corresponding to the “but” -G0500- (“Explaining autism”) of our organization.
    The information presented on this page is very basic, and they can be developed through various exchanges, communications and meetings.

*E1* Autism

  • Autism is neither a disease, nor a set of “troubles”.
  • Autism is a natural human characteristic, characterized in particular by authenticity, the truth, the purity, coherence, harmony, straightness, and resistance to alterations of these characteristics.
  • Autistic people have qualities that are specific to autism (and who are not “social qualities”).
  • Autism itself is a quality, since it resembles a form of self-protection and natural defense of humans against attacks, the damage, the distortions and dangers resulting from most artificial social constructions (like social codes, conventions, systems of thought, material achievements…) who despise the original qualities of the human being, which are preserved in autistic people.

*E2* The “autistic disorders”

  • Autistic people do not feel the need or obligation to communicate or to be adapted to a general social functioning that they perceive, instinctively, as inconsistent and harmful.
  • Non-autistic people believe this adaptation is essential, and that it is proof of good mental health.
  • These people therefore believe that autistic maladjustment is necessarily a sign of mental deficiency..
  • What is called “restricted interests” corresponds to the capacities of focusing and richness of thought of autistic people, and this is useful for their “particular life path”, to which they are entitled. But since these interests and passions are too unusual for non-autistic people, and that they are not capable of doing the same, then they believe that this particularity is a “issue”.
  • In a general way, The way non-autistic people think means that they believe that everything that is not “usual”, standard, “normal”, in relation to their social group, is something “bad” and sign of a personal psychological problem. This explains why non-autistic people do, automatically, every effort possible to be or appear suitable and “normal” (since, unlike autistic people, they judge themselves in relation to the eyes of others, who will condemn them if they appear “weird”).
  • Some “autistic disorders” are “troubles” only from the perspective of non-autistic people, but not from the autistic point of view.
    For us, these are therefore not “troubles”, but autistic characteristics that should be respected instead of discouraged or mocked.
  • Some “autistic disorders” cause real difficulties making life very complicated, in the current social system (led by standards, constant social interactions, complex and subtle, etc.).
    These difficulties justify “learning”, from the autistic person, to know how “survive” in this “artificial social system”, totally inhospitable for a “be natural”.
  • Suffering does not come from autism, nor “autistic disorders”, but reactions of incomprehension and rejection, from non-autistic people, unable to accept people “unformatted”.
  • Suffering can also come from erroneous non-autistic thoughts and conceptions, Who, often, have the effect of making autistic people feel guilty and inferior, which sometimes results in “obsession” (exaggerated and superfluous) to be suitable or to appear suitable.
  • When an autistic person denies or hides his or her autistic characteristics, this can cause a “handicap invisible” which prevents non-autistic people from making adaptation efforts. This locks the autistic person into a sort of “non-autistic role prison” (obligation to play a non-autistic role), which can lead to inner psychological conflicts that can lead to suicide, especially when the autistic person believes “that the system is right”.
  • Some autistic people have “troubles” typically “non-autistic”, which actually result from poor adaptations to non-autism”, performed autistically (often in excess), without really being able to understand the “justifications” of these adaptations (since, anyway, for autistic thinking, they cannot be justified).

*E3* The “comorbidities”

  • The term “comorbidities” refers to illnesses and health problems that are notably present in the autistic population.
  • These problems also exist in people who are not autistic.
  • These problems are therefore not specific to autism, and are not part of autism.
  • Even if it could be shown that some of these problems could result from autism this would not be a sufficient reason to want to “eliminate autism”.
  • It would definitely be helpful to find solutions for these problems, generally and without harming autism.

*E4* Disability

  • If we use the word “handicap” in the usual sense of “deficiency”, “default”, “lack”, “imperfection” inherent to the person, autism is not a “handicap” because there is nothing to prove that autism (as we define it above in the point 1) would include a “intrinsic fault or error”, quite the contrary.
  • We use the word “handicap” in the general sense of “disadvantage” or “obstacle”, and not in the sense of “deficiency”, “default””, “disability”, nor with another point of view considering that people “normal” are necessarily “superior”.
  • Autism itself is not a disability, whatever the ways in which we define the notion of “handicap” (as above), more “the lack of correct consideration of autism by the social system” (including by family) necessarily causes many difficulties for autistic people, which prevent them from accessing the levels of quality of life and freedom enjoyed by non-autistic people (whose social system defines and imposes rules that favor the majority and neglect minorities).
  • This “lack of proper consideration of autism”, when meeting an autistic person, causes difficult situations, painful, hostiles, which disadvantage, exclude and penalize autistic people : we can therefore say that this one is “socially disabled” by the “deficiencies” of the general system.
  • No disability should lead to feelings of shame or inferiority.
    In the case of autism (whose lack of proper consideration results in a social handicap), autistic people should logically be happy to be “disabled in relation to a social system which is itself defective, absurd and in obvious conflict with the laws of Nature”.
  • In other words, there is nothing wrong with being unadapted to a society itself unadapted to life (life as it should be, without artifice and toxic illusions).
    This corresponds to the phrase of the philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti : “This is not a sign of (Good) health, than to be (GOOD) adapted to a profoundly ill society”.
  • It is very important to understand all of this, to stop viewing autism in a negative and false way, and to reduce or eliminate certain psychological suffering (feeling of inferiority and “having – or be – a problem”) of those autistic people who discover autism through the erroneous prism of the usual non-autistic vision (and official) of autism.
  • Understanding these things helps a lot in achieving the goal -G0300- of our Organization (“Dignity for autistic people”), and of course it also helps with some of our other goals, for example by bringing our interlocutors to a state of thought allowing us to understand autism correctly, et, SO, to make more appropriate decisions, fair, and not unfavorable for autistic people.
  • Of course we have problems, but these problems are not “impairments due to autism”, but “difficulties due to non-autism”.
  • When we begin to understand that, even though we have a “issue” with the social system, we have no problem with the “natural reference frame”, and that the social system has a real enormous and serious problem of inadequacy to Nature, then we can start to see life in a positive way, and we can start to decide about our life, by being less influenced, deceived and victims of illusions and “Non-Autistic Disorders”.

*E5* THE “Non-Autistic Disorders” (or “Non-Autism Disorders”)

Important : The fact of being a “non-autistic person” does not necessarily imply being “affected by Non-Autistic Disorders” (and fortunately).
But these defects do exist, et – by definition – they are not present in autistic people (“unsocialized”), hence their name “Non-Autistic Disorders” (or “Non-Autism Disorders”).

  • The concept of “Non-Autistic Disorders”, invented by Eric L., was publicly exposed by him, for the first time, in Almaty (KZ) the 12 FEBRUARY 2016.
    (This concept is quite close to the concept of “syndrome neurotypique”, but it is more precise.)
  • This concept presents deliberately provocative terminology, which aims to encourage non-autistic people to think about the flaws of the systems and conventions they consider to be “choosing” et “fair”.
  • But it is not only a question of provocation and the search for the reestablishment of a certain justice.
    Indeed, when we start to study the “Non-Autistic Disorders”, we are truly frightened by their quantity and their seriousness.
    In comparison, the three or four little ones “troubles” autistic people, appear relatively insignificant.
  • This severity is one of the reasons that prevents non-autistic people from thinking honestly and courageously about the deficiencies of their children. “systems”. It can make you dizzy, and lead to a sort of thought blockage.
  • There's Another Important Thing That Prevents Most Non-Autistic People From Thinking About All This : it's their “absence of autism”. Indeed, their thoughts are very influenced and dependent on the systems and social conventions in which they live, and therefore they can hardly extract themselves from it to see things with the necessary distance.
  • Seeing all this from a distance requires no effort for an autistic person. On the contrary, it is part of our nature and our qualities, and we are constantly obliged to note the internal aberrations specific to the multitudes of “social systems”, who are all in conflict with each other (necessarily, since each system moves away from truth and natural reality).
    (The annoyances and frustrations we feel seeing all this, are examples of suffering that does not come from autism as a negative thing, as explained above).
  • It would be very long and tedious to present here the list of “Non-Autistic Disorders”, and the explanations showing to what extent these are the cause of the suffering of autistic people.
  • However, we can mention a few important categories :
    • Non-Autistic Communication Disorders
    • Non-Autistic Socialization Disorders
    • Non-Autistic Disorders of Limited Interest
    • Non-Autistic Misunderstanding Disorder of Autism

*E6* Naturalness, consistency, sensitivity, and affected

  • THE “affected” can be called “neurological attacks” since everything is conveyed by the neurological system of perception, and processed by the brain.
  • A distinction can be made between neurological attacks “sensory” (or “external”), and neurological attacks “mental” (or “internal”).
  • The damage can be sensory ; these are signals warning the person that something is inconsistent, problematic or dangerous in the physical environment. It's not a question of “great sensitivity to sounds, in the lights, to smells, or touch”. It’s a matter of great sensitivity to inconsistencies (Who, ici, are perceived at the sensory level).
  • The damage can be sensory and mental. Sensory disturbance leads to mental disturbance, generally linked to consciousness (more or less precise) inconsistency, from injustice, of falsehood, because something is not correct (what is therefore “automatically rejected” by autistic thinking”).
  • The damage can be “mental” : the autistic person will think of an aberration that they perceive, and this will cause a disruption of its sense of coherence and harmony (what we can often call “justice”) ; ensuite, very quickly, the rectitude and purity of her system of thought will establish numerous mental connections corresponding to all the relationships she sees with the problem observed (these connections can go much further than in non-autistic people, whose thinking is limited to choosing among a few pre-established paths, with some “ready-made solutions”, quick and reassuring, socially decided and validated, for each known subject).
  • If the autistic person focuses their thoughts on a disturbance (and on the inconsistency and injustice of the situation), then a sort of “chain reaction” or of “resonance”, like a metal bell. In a non-autistic person, the problem will quickly be dissipated and forgotten, like knocking on a plastic bell.
  • If the autistic person tries to express themselves to ask for the reduction or cessation of the disturbances (which are almost always imposed by the social environment), it will not be understood, or we won't believe her.
  • SO, all the suffering (sensory and mental), aggravated by the frustration of the impossibility of making oneself understood, and to be believed(e), and by the feeling of injustice and social incoherence, all this will ultimately lead to a “autistic crisis” that no one will understand (except people who read – and who understood – the explanations on this page).
  • In getting older, the person will experience more and more similar painful experiences, who will never get solutions (since non-autistic people cannot and/or do not want to make an effort to understand and adapt sufficiently).
  • And so, with each new attack, the person's thinking will make connections with all other previous attacks of a similar type, and also with the thought that there are never solutions or efforts from others, and all this will end up causing situations of suffering and despair, and often, crises, more and more severe, which can sometimes end in suicide.
  • It is also to avoid falling into all this “gear” that many autistic people feel, instinctively, that we should definitely not start getting closer to all this.
  • This is one of the reasons why many autistic people remain “in their world”, even though most of them can't explain these things, since all these “social reasoning” don't make sense, valuable, and do not exist for them.

The following chapters, also very important, are not currently developed on this page.
Government authorities and national organizations interested in learning more can contact us.

*E7* Reciprocal adaptations

*E8* Learning respecting autism

*E9* Freedom of a unique and original life experience

*E10* Respectful protection, encouragement and help

*E11* Authentic naturalness versus social artificiality

*E12* The need for autistic people and human biodiversity
