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Creation of the NatureDefenders.org concept

The network Nature Defenders intended to defend nature, naturalness and life based on the idea that what is artificial is almost always opposed to life, especially when artificial things are intended to replace natural things.
This approach can be analyzed in order to demonstrate its value and limits..
This idea applies to material and immaterial things.

Considering that “biodiversity” obviously includes the human species, we can then defend the concept of “human biodiversity”.

Nature Defenders aims in particular to defend “biological” human minorities (like autistic people, people with Down syndrome...) and ethnic minorities (notably the “natives” and other humans distant from civilization).

Nature Defenders also proposes the idea that the artificialization of human society should theoretically lead to its downfall :

  • either by making almost all humans into sort of “mechanical” humanoids, “automatic” and controlled by non-human machines, which leads not to death but to the “loss of Man’s humanity” (that is to say the dehumanization of the human species) ;

  • either by developing machines, substances or reasoning capable of destroying the human species (and others) a lot, due to lack of sufficient control capacity ;

  • or by doing both at the same time (what is happening at the moment), which combines the highly plausible risk of destruction of the humanity of Man with that of the destruction of Humanity tout court.

Nature Defenders puts forward the idea that human minorities are less modified by the predominant social system, “artificializing” and denaturing, are among the rare ramparts – and perhaps the only ones – against this risk of extinction of Humanity, and that therefore everything must be done to protect these “undistorted” human minorities, instead of doing (like now) the opposite, in an illusory materialistic race, senseless and deadly in the long term.

Nature Defenders is in harmony with theAutistan Diplomatic Organization, whose general philosophy is based on the same worldview.

Concretely, a priori it would be necessary:

  • 1/ Build a system to optimize efforts that already exist (by individuals or organizations), thanks to volunteering and technical IT resources (certainly artificial but made necessary by the overwhelming disparity of means).

  • 2/ Define then take actions (peaceful) useful for the aim pursued.