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Autism Documentation : Autistan Wiki overview


Autistan Wiki is a new initiative from our organization dedicated to improving understanding and support for autistic people. This site, accessible at Autistan.wiki, provides a central resource for useful information in the field of autism, having a national or international scope.

What is Autistan Wiki ?

Autistan Wiki is an online encyclopedia specifically dedicated to autism. This site is designed to centralize useful and relevant information about autism, with emphasis on state bodies, articles of law relating to autism and disability, as well as national autism plans.

Objectives and Usefulness

The main objectives of Autistan Wiki are to: :

  1. Centralization of Useful Information : Bring together in one place all the important and practical information on autism that has national or international scope, notably legislation and strategic plans.

  2. Accessibility and Simplicity : Allow free and simple access to this information for all people interested in autism. Just put a title, even an approximate one, in a box and a link (URL) in another box to add content.

  3. Focus on Official Sources : Prioritize information from state bodies, the articles of law, and national plans on autism.

  4. Interactive World Map : Offer an interactive world map where users can click on a country to see information related to autism in that country, thus facilitating access to specific data by region.


Autistan Wiki stands out for its simple and open operation :

  • Adding Content Without Registration : Unlike other platforms, you don't need to create an account to add links. Anyone can contribute by adding a title and URL link.

  • Moderation and Quality : Although contributions are open, they are monitored to ensure the information remains relevant and of high quality.

  • Structuring of Content : Information is organized for easy navigation and searching via a menu, with a particular focus on legislative and strategic aspects relating to autism.

How to Use Autistan Wiki

Here are some simple steps to get started using Autistan Wiki :

  1. Navigation : Visit Autistan.wiki and explore the different categories and items available using the menu.

  2. Participation : Contribute by adding relevant links without needing to register. Enter a title in the box provided, then add the corresponding URL.

  3. Carte Interactive : Use the interactive world map to click on a country and access specific information about autism in that country. This innovative feature makes searching for information by region particularly intuitive and quick..

  4. Consultation of Official Sources : Take advantage of centralized information from state bodies, articles of law, and national autism plans to better understand policies and supports available for autistic people.


Autistan Wiki represents a significant step forward in our mission to support and empower the autistic community. By centralizing important information and facilitating collaborative participation, we hope to create a dynamic and inclusive resource that will benefit everyone. We invite you to visit Autistan.wiki from today, to explore its contents and contribute to its development.