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Autistan Day 2019 – Autistan: metaphorical country, concrete support

Article from «Autism Magazine» (Autism Magazine) (Brazil) https://www.revistaautismo.com.br/geral/autistao-pais-metaforico-apoio-concreto/ Autistan: metaphorical country, concrete support Autistic people gather in Rio de Janeiro to celebrate Autistan Day In line with celebrations of World Autism Awareness Day – created by the United Nations (UN) for theRead moreAutistan Day 2019 – Autistan: metaphorical country, concrete support

Autistan Day 2019 : “Operation Blue Socks, on the way to Autistan” in Brussels on 31/03/2019

A “historical statement” from our godfather, Josef Schovanec, on Autistan and on the flag of Autistan : This clip has subtitles in several languages. Interview with the Ambassador of Autistan in Belgium, François Delcoux : This clip has subtitles in several languages. Interview with the Ambassador of Autistan in France, Hugo HoriotRead moreAutistan Day 2019 : “Operation Blue Socks, on the way to Autistan” in Brussels on 31/03/2019

[RTBF (Belgian radio)] Josef Schovanec talks about the National Museum of Brazil, of Emperor Peter II, of the first physical Embassy of Autistan in Rio de Janeiro, of our modest “autistic museum” project

Context : Fire at the National Museum of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro 2 september 2018 (Article Wikipedia) (See our comments on this drama, at the end of the article.) Following this tragic and very sad event, notre ami autiste Josef Schovanec, creator of the name “Autistan” and sponsor of our organization, aRead more[RTBF (Belgian radio)] Josef Schovanec talks about the National Museum of Brazil, of Emperor Peter II, of the first physical Embassy of Autistan in Rio de Janeiro, of our modest “autistic museum” project

“An alternative intelligence” (article on autism and Autistan by the Belgian newspaper “Litter”)

Article original : https://www.lecho.be/entreprises/general/une-intelligence-alternative/10009078.html REPORT An alternative intelligence Autistic people, Asperger, high potential, neurodivergent, so many terms to define atypical people, equipped with a form of alternative intelligence. Skills too ignored by companies. Speaking of “roundup” to qualify the internment of autistic people in institutions or providing for “detail of the story” by mentioningRead more“An alternative intelligence” (article on autism and Autistan by the Belgian newspaper “Litter”)

Josef Schovanec, the Flag of Autistan, and the Autistan Ambassador for Belgium in Brussels on 31/03/2018

Below, a report from Belgian television (in French), on the participation of Josef Schovanec (inventor of the name “Autistan”, and sponsor of our Organization), accompanied by our Ambassador in Belgium, François Delcoux, during “Operation Blue Socks”, autism awareness event, in Brussels : Note : Unlike thisRead moreJosef Schovanec, the Flag of Autistan, and the Autistan Ambassador for Belgium in Brussels on 31/03/2018

History of the birth of the concept of Autistan, and its link with Passion Island (Clipperton Island)

The reader / the reader will not fail to wonder what connection there could well be between autism and this island.
This is why I wanted to start this article by summarizing the discovery of my autism, followed by that of “l'Autistan” (thanks to Josef Schovanec), then finally my singular encounter with Passion Island. … Read moreHistory of the birth of the concept of Autistan, and its link with Passion Island (Clipperton Island)

Flag of Autistan

Le drapeau de l’Autistan Deux enfants autistes avec le premier grand drapeau de l’Autistan au KazakhstanAutistan.kz Avant la version actuelle (Called “FULL”), The flag was like this (without the white stripe) : This version is called “DISC”. It's true that it's pretty too, and more “parfaitRead moreFlag of Autistan

The flag of Autistan presented by Josef Schovanec on Swiss television – Preamble to the Swiss Constitution

The flag of Autistan was shown on television for the first time on 25 July 2017 couple Josef Schovanec, at the RTS (Radio Television Switzerland).

Josef is a “autistic savant”, he has been a guest on numerous radio and television shows in different countries (and especially in France). … Read moreThe flag of Autistan presented by Josef Schovanec on Swiss television – Preamble to the Swiss Constitution